In response to the publication of the latest report on the numbers of those in poverty in 2015 EAPN Ireland has again demanded a serious commitment by the Government to fighting poverty.
Director of EAPN Ireland stated that “We repeat our call for the Government to implement its commitment to develop an integrated framework for social Inclusion, to tackle inequality and poverty, starting with an all-Government five year plan with effective policies and budgets.”
The Survey of Income and Living Conditions for 2015 highlights that while small improvement on those for 2014, particularly in those experiencing enforced deprivation, they show that economic recovery has not made a serious dent in the numbers whose lives are blighted by poverty. The numbers in deprivation are still twice those in 2008.
The report shows that in 2015:
- More than one in 6 (16.9%) of the population were at risk of poverty, that is falling below the internationally recognised measure of 60% of median national income.
- over one quarter lived in enforced deprivation, that is unable to afford two from a list of very basic requirements like a warm waterproof coat or heating your home and
- 8.7% experienced both of these and are therefore described by the Government as living in consistent poverty. The Government’s target is to reduce this to 4% by 2016 and to 2% or less by 2020 but numbers have been going in the wrong direction for a long time.
Read the full press release here.