A full video of the conference is now available here:
Part 1: Welcome, Joan O’Donnell, Disability Federation of Ireland; Explaining the EU Semester and Europe 2020 Strategy, Michael Ewing, Environmental Pillar;l Key-Note Speech, Marian Harkin MEP; Better Europe Alliance priorities, Paul Ginnell, EAPN Ireland
Part 2: Patrick O’Riordan, European Commission; Dara Lynott, Environmental Protection Agency; Questions and Answers
Part 3: Feedback from group discussion; Responses by Professor Hugh Frazer, European Social Network and Rory Montgomery, Department of the Taoiseach; Closing remarks, Brid O’Brien
The Conference on 5 December 2014 brought together 70 social and environmental activists and decision-makers to discuss how to bring our concerns to the table, particularly with he mid-term review of the 10-year Europe 2020 strategy next year. (A comprehensive background publication is available here)