The Conference on 5 December 2014 brought together 70 social and environmental activists and decision-makers to discuss how to bring our concerns to the table, particularly with he mid-term review of the 10-year Europe 2020 strategy next year. (Background publication here)
Speakers included representatives from the Alliance members as well as Marian Harkin, MEP; Rory Montgomery, Department of the Taoiseach; Patrick O’Riordan, European Commission; Dara Lynott, Environmental protection Agency; Hugh Frazer, MUI Maynooth.

Michael Ewing, Environmental Pillar; Marian Harkin, MEP; Joan O’Donnell, Disability Federation of Ireland; Paul Ginnel, European Anti Poverty Network Ireland

Speakers at the last session: Rory Montgomery, Department of the Taoiseach; Hugh Fraser, NUI Maynooth; Joan O’Donnell, DFI; Paul Ginnell, EAPN Ireland; Bríd O’Brien, INOU
A video of the conference will be posted here shortly
The Alliance
The Better Europe alliance is made up of a range of social and equality focused NGOs, environmental and the trade union organisations which have come together because of our shared interest in and our concerns over the direction of policies being implemented under the European Union’s Europe 2020 Strategy and the wider European Semester. The Alliance is part of the (Europe-wide) European alliance for a Democratic, Social and Sustainable European Semester.
Publication: An Irish Vision for a Better Europe – Engaging with Europe 2020 and the European Semester
This now publication from the Alliance explains the working of these crucial processes, why they are important to Alliance members and what issues we want to promote.
Contents of the publication
- Welcome
- Briefing on Semester and Europe 2020
- A Sustainable Ireland in Europe – Patrick O’Riordan, European Commission Semester officer
- The Stability and Growth Pact – The ‘Six Pack’, ‘Two Pack’ and the Fiscal Compact- Michelle Murphy , Social Justice Ireland
- Public engagement with the European semester – Robin Hanan, European Anti-Poverty Network Ireland
- Real and honest engagement the only way to go – Audry Deane, Society of Saint Vincent de Paul
- Ensuring employment is sustainable and inclusive – Brid O’Brien, Irish National Organisation of the Unemployed
- Research and Innovation is also social – Brid O’Brien , Irish National Organisation of the Unemployed
- Recognising the ecological limits to economic growth. – for a truly smart, sustainable and inclusive future – Michael Ewing, Environmental Pillar
- Addressing adult literacy would help achieve equality – Helen Ryan, National Adult Literacy Agency
- Need for an immediate change of priorities if we are to achieve the poverty target – Paul Ginnell, European Anti-Poverty Network Ireland
- Moving Forward Together – gender must be at the heart of economic and social decision-making, Alice-Mary Higgins, National Women’s Council of Ireland
- Leave no one behind – Joan O’Donnell, Disability Federation of Ireland (600 words)
- Tensions emerging between Irish and European visions for housing – Dermot Sellers, National Association of Building Co-operatives
- Ageing Positively towards Europe 2020 – Helen Campbell, Age & Opportunity
- Where to for the European Semester in the second half of the decade?- Paul Ginnell, European Anti-Poverty Network.