AGM and workshops covering letter
Dear Member, We hope that you will be able to join us for:
Both of these are important in planning how to respond to the current challenges and opportunities. We look forward to seeing you there Robin Hanan, Paul Ginnell, Maureen Gondipon |
Please register now | |
EAPN Ireland AGM
AGM registration form, motions and nomination form Carmelite Centre 56 Aungier Street, Dublin 22 May 2015
10 am AGM business: 10.00 11.30 am Workshop on a Rights Approach to Fighting Poverty. 1 pm Lunch
The AGM is your opportunity to help plan our future work. You might like to consider standing for election to the Board and/or putting forward a motion for discussion. This workshop will include a briefing on the concept of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights followed by responses on the implications for people working on the ground on (a) income and welfare and (b) housing and homelessness. This will be followed by small group discussion on linking the workshop to our daily work against poverty. Please register now on |
Workshops for community activists
EAPN Ireland and CAN workshops notice and registration forms
EAPN Ireland, in Partnership with Community Action Network (CAN) invites you to a workshop to reflect with others from your community on our passion for social justice, how we might connect more deeply with it and direct it more effectively. We are all aware of new challenges to direct our work at social change now, not only because of cutbacks, but also because of less and less support for advocacy and social change work from the State and elsewhere. We need to be creative, and nurture our commitment to changing – not just managing – inequalities. The workshop will afford time not only for personal reflection, but a chance to reconnect with models of change that might inspire us anew. It is not a strategic planning exercise, nor a time to simply complain about what is being done to us. Rather we hope it will be about motivation by connecting with why we do this work. Please register now on |