EAPN Ireland NewsFlash – October 2014
1. European Minimum Income Network
• Irish Roundtable: An action plan for adequate income, 7 October 2014
2. The (Irish) Better Europe Alliance and the European Alliance for a Democratic, Social and Sustainable European Semester
• What is the European Semester?
• What is the Better Europe Alliance?
• What has the Alliance done so far?
• What’s next?
3. More Irish News
A. Understanding Budget 2015 and some responses:
B. Other important events and activities coming up
4. EAPN Europe News
A. The 13th Meeting of People Experiencing Poverty
B. What’s happened to Inclusion, Poverty and Participation?
C. Giving a Voice to Citizens! New EAPN Handbook is out!
D. EAPN at Eurodiaconia – Europe 2020 – What track record, what way forward
E. EAPN at Trade Union (ETUI-ETUC) Conference – Europe at the Crossroad – Which way to quality jobs and prosperity?
F. EU Alliance for Investing in Children sends questions to the Commissioner-designate
G. Joint Letter to MEPs Regarding Questions on Children’s Rights for New Commissioner for Migration and Home Affairs
A. Scottish Poverty Alliance calls on Labour Party to re-think cap on Child Benefit
B. After the Referendum: The Poverty Alliance (EAPN Scotland): Keep up the Fight Against Poverty
A. Committee of the Regions: “Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership” – invitation to a Stakeholder consultation by Rapporteur Mr Markus TÖNS (DE/PES – ECOS)
B. 500 migrants killed off coast of Malta
C. Austerity measures have increased social injustice and inequality
D. Ombudsman demands stricter ‘revolving door’ rules at Commission
E. Juncker defends re-shaping of Commission
F. Schulz demands response from Juncker on environment and health portfolios
G. EC: The EU Youth Guarantee
H. EC: European Social Fund: over 1 billion euros to boost growth and jobs in The Netherlands
I. EC: Commission welcomes new Public Employment Services Network as key milestone for Youth Guarantee implementation
J. EC: Labour Mobility within the EU
K. MEPs threaten budget suspension over transparency
L. Eurogroup adopts guiding principles on tax reform
M. Petitions: Parliament gives you a chance to be heard – Committee on Petitions
N. Meet the European Parliament’s political groups
A. European Social Network: Ageing and Care: Developing services for and with older people
B. Greek consultation meeting on Investing in Children: Conclusions and recommendations out
C. It’s time to take action against Islamophobia in Europe
A. Eurochild’s fourth assessment of the European Commission report on the implementation of the EU Fundamental Rights Charter
B. EPHA Briefing On Access to Water in Europe to mark environmental health day
C. EC Employment: report shows worker mobility key to tackle EU demographic and skills challenges
9. Other links